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Peanut Butter


No additives, just plain ol' peanuts. Everybody's first "nut butter" love.  Peanuts contain resveratrol, an antioxidant that's been shown to have anti-cancer effects and may lower the risk of obesity, heart disease, and cognitive decline. Enjoy it just a bit more knowing that the butter you love - also loves you back 🤎

Almond Butter


Creamy almond butter.  Naturally containing healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. Benefits of almonds include lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.  Grab a jar and spread away! 450g jar. 

Cashew Butter


Rich and creamy in flavor. Cashew butter is a great source of monounsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids, and magnesium. These nutrients are beneficial for blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol control, bone health, the immune system, and your metabolism. This ones a favorite for sure! 450g jar.

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