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Raising Your Vibration

By: :Shazia Durrani 0 comments
Raising Your Vibration


In order to attract good things you have to have good thoughts.  Sound too simple?

In reality that all it takes.  Manifesting the things you want in your life requires focus on those very things that you desire to have in your life. The universe responds to frequency. It doesn’t recognize your personal desires, wants or needs. The only language it understands is the frequency that you are vibrating in.

If you are vibrating a frequency of fear or doubt, you will undeniably attract things of that nature into your life to support that frequency.  Instead use that same energy to believe in yourself and feed the possibilities of what can go right. Visualize something greater into existence for yourself.    

So how do you raise your vibration?  You change the way you think and you can do it in small steps:

  1. Become conscious of your thoughts as they become your reality, once you recognize negative thoughts think of how you can change that thought into a positive.  The more you do this the more positive thinking will become natural to you.
  2. Find something to be grateful for – get in the habit of finding something in your day that you are grateful for, you will begin to realize that nearly every day is a good day and positive thinking opens your eyes to more opportunities.
  3. Meditate – even if only for a minute, it gives you the time to connect with your higher power and your intuition
  4. Move around and get your blood circulating – make it a priority to do something physical every single day. Your spiritual, emotional and physical health are inextricably linked.
  5. Stay hydrated – so your body can perform at optimal levels. Even mild dehydration can impair many aspects of brain and cellular functions.
  6. Be conscious of what you eat – healthy body, healthy mind.  Feed your body the best so you can feel your best.
  7. Practice kindness and compassion – experiencing qualities of the heart, such as appreciation, compassion, deep love, kindness and care, you can reset your overall mental, emotional and physiological coherence – all of the body’s systems and lift your vibration along with the vibration of the receiver.
  8. Get enough sleep – Sleep serves to reenergize the body’s cells, clear waste from the brain, and support your learning and memory enabling your body to be conducive to perform at its highest level.
  9. BE AWARE OF THE VIBRATIONAL LEVELS OF YOUR AQUAINTANCES – the company you keep will either raise your vibrational frequency or lower it. Keep people around you who empower, celebrate and motivate you.
  10. Practice forgiveness – thoughts of revenge are low vibrational.  Forgiveness takes you out of a position of being a victim and the person who did wrong to you no longer holds any power. 

So don’t worry about what currently is.  Imagine what you want it to be so that your vibrations match your desires.  Once you have synchronized your vibration to your desires, all the things in your experience will gravitate to meet you there.

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